Hanover College

January 7, 2016 Blog Posts 0 Comments

It has been a short stint since I added a new post.  Settling back into the studio routine after the craziness of holiday schedules.

Recently my past professor and deeply wonderful friend Deb Whistler asked me back to Hanover for a visit.  My love for printmaking and the seed of my paper obsessed life was planted by her.  There was also a fair share of life guidance and crying shoulder to boot.  While there she inquired whether I would be interested in teaching a photo class for the upcoming Winter Term.  As I was mulling over the opportunity I became a little nostalgic of my art life at Hanover College.  Sending me digging into the computer archives for show images and photos of art pieces past.

So this brings me to the photos below.  These photos are of my exiting senior show at Hanover College, L2 soy, L3 soy.  There are over 600 hundred 25x25in. spray enamel on paper prints of doilies suspended on mono-filament bisecting the gallery.  At the end of the Greiner Art Gallery space are four 25x25x25in. glass cubes that hold printmaking matrices of doilies-one linoleum, two woodcuts and the actually doily itself.  To view the glass cubes at the end of the space the viewer was encouraged to physical move and push their way through the suspended prints.



